
Thursday, 21.11.2024in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
light rain, freezingstrong sleetsunnyoccasional rain
conditionlight rain, freezingstrong sleetsunnyoccasional rain
temperature-1 °C1 °C1 °C-2 °C
chance of rain0 %100 %0 %0 %
wind speed22 km/h27 km/h17 km/h11 km/h
wind directionSouth/WestSouth/WestSouth/WestSouth/West
Friday, 22.11.2024in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
moderate snowfalllight sleetstrong snowfallstrong snowfall
conditionmoderate snowfalllight sleetstrong snowfallstrong snowfall
temperature-1 °C1 °C1 °C1 °C
chance of rain100 %100 %100 %100 %
wind speed18 km/h24 km/h22 km/h25 km/h
wind directionWestSouth/WestSouth/WestWest
Saturday, 23.11.2024in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
partly cloudylight snowfallcloudylight drizzle
conditionpartly cloudylight snowfallcloudylight drizzle
temperature0 °C2 °C2 °C2 °C
chance of rain0 %72 %0 %0 %
wind speed15 km/h19 km/h14 km/h23 km/h
wind directionSouth/WestSouth/WestSouthSouth
Sunday, 24.11.2024in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
light drizzlepartly cloudypartly cloudyoccasional rain
conditionlight drizzlepartly cloudypartly cloudyoccasional rain
temperature5 °C8 °C9 °C8 °C
chance of rain100 %0 %0 %0 %
wind speed27 km/h23 km/h19 km/h16 km/h
wind directionSouth/WestSouth/WestSouthSouth
Monday, 25.11.2024in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
sunnypartly cloudylight drizzleoccasional drizzle
conditionsunnypartly cloudylight drizzleoccasional drizzle
temperature10 °C12 °C11 °C10 °C
chance of rain0 %0 %100 %100 %
wind speed26 km/h23 km/h27 km/h25 km/h
wind directionSouth/WestSouthSouthSouth/West
Thusday, 26.11.2024in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
cloudycloudypartly cloudycloudy
conditioncloudycloudypartly cloudycloudy
temperature7 °C7 °C7 °C6 °C
chance of rain27 %45 %23 %27 %
wind speed33 km/h32 km/h28 km/h17 km/h
wind directionSouth/WestSouth/WestSouth/WestSouth/West
Wendsday, 27.11.2024in the morningat noonin the eveningat night
sunnysunnyoccasional rainoccasional rain
conditionsunnysunnyoccasional rainoccasional rain
temperature5 °C7 °C8 °C8 °C
chance of rain21 %0 %88 %24 %
wind speed15 km/h27 km/h30 km/h33 km/h
wind directionSouthSouth/WestSouth/WestWest